The Calgary Metropolitan Region or commonly called Calgary Region, includes nine municipalities. Airdrie, Calgary and Chestermere are the three cities and towns including Cochrane, Crossfield, Irricana and Rocky View County is a municipal district, Beiseker village and First Nations reserve(Tsuu T'ina Nation). Calgary population in 2023 is estimated to be 1.39 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 1.38 million, Population of Calgary in 2021 is estimated to be 1.37 million.
| Calgary City(2021) | Calgary Metropolitan(2019) |
Population | 1.37 million | 1.58 million |
Area | 825.56 sq km(318.75 sq mi) | 5,107.55 sq km(1,972.04 sq mi) |
Rank | 4(Canada) | |
Calgary Language demographics
Below table is the languages of Calgary population:
Languages | Population |
English | 1,065,075 |
French | 8,625 |
Non-official languages | 220,640 |
Aboriginal languages | 210 |
Algonquian languages | 145 |
Blackfoot | 65 |
Cree-Montagnais languages | 70 |
Plains Cree | 5 |
Cree | 60 |
Ojibway-Potawatomi languages | 5 |
Ojibway | 5 |
Athabaskan languages | 15 |
Northern Athabaskan languages | 20 |
Dene | 5 |
Gwich'in | 5 |
Sarsi (Sarcee) | 5 |
Inuit languages | 5 |
Kutenai | 5 |
Michif | 5 |
Siouan languages | 40 |
Dakota | 10 |
Stoney | 25 |
Aboriginal languages | 5 |
Non-Aboriginal languages | 220,435 |
Afro-Asiatic languages | 18,255 |
Berber languages | 65 |
Kabyle | 30 |
Berber languages | 35 |
Cushitic languages | 1,645 |
Bilen | 45 |
Oromo | 705 |
Somali | 885 |
Cushitic languages | 5 |
Semitic languages | 16,525 |
Amharic | 2,730 |
Arabic | 11,010 |
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | 200 |
Chaldean Neo-Aramaic | 80 |
Harari | 50 |
Hebrew | 260 |
Maltese | 5 |
Tigrigna | 2,045 |
Semitic languages | 145 |
Afro-Asiatic languages | 15 |
Austro-Asiatic languages | 9,365 |
Khmer (Cambodian) | 440 |
Vietnamese | 8,925 |
Austro-Asiatic languages | 5 |
Austronesian languages | 25,700 |
Bikol | 45 |
Cebuano | 865 |
Fijian | 15 |
Hiligaynon | 205 |
Ilocano | 1,030 |
Malagasy | 10 |
Malay | 235 |
Pampangan (Kapampangan; Pampango) | 65 |
Pangasinan | 15 |
Tagalog (Pilipino; Filipino) | 23,010 |
Waray-Waray | 50 |
Austronesian languages | 145 |
Creole languages | 290 |
Haitian Creole | 5 |
Creole | 220 |
Creole languages | 65 |
Dravidian languages | 3,185 |
Kannada | 115 |
Malayalam | 1,295 |
Tamil | 1,190 |
Telugu | 560 |
Dravidian languages | 20 |
Hmong-Mien languages | 60 |
Indo-European languages | 102,690 |
Albanian | 620 |
Armenian | 105 |
Balto-Slavic languages | 13,865 |
Baltic languages | 240 |
Latvian | 85 |
Lithuanian | 155 |
Slavic languages | 13,625 |
Bosnian | 390 |
Bulgarian | 485 |
Croatian | 745 |
Czech | 430 |
Macedonian | 80 |
Polish | 3,275 |
Russian | 5,785 |
Serbian | 945 |
Serbo-Croatian | 180 |
Slovak | 465 |
Slovene (Slovenian) | 40 |
Ukrainian | 790 |
Slavic languages | 15 |
Celtic languages | 15 |
Scottish Gaelic | 5 |
Welsh | 5 |
Celtic languages | 5 |
Germanic languages | 2,725 |
Afrikaans | 505 |
Danish | 70 |
Dutch | 490 |
Frisian | 5 |
German | 1,540 |
Icelandic | 15 |
Norwegian | 25 |
Swedish | 50 |
Vlaams (Flemish) | 10 |
Yiddish | 10 |
Germanic languages | 5 |
Greek | 500 |
Indo-Iranian languages | 61,795 |
Indo-Aryan languages | 53,300 |
Bengali | 2,745 |
Gujarati | 3,125 |
Hindi | 4,130 |
Kashmiri | 45 |
Konkani | 30 |
Marathi | 445 |
Nepali | 1,340 |
Oriya (Odia) | 50 |
Punjabi (Panjabi) | 29,100 |
Sindhi | 745 |
Sinhala (Sinhalese) | 490 |
Urdu | 11,065 |
Iranian languages | 7,995 |
Kurdish | 460 |
Pashto | 1,055 |
Persian (Farsi) | 6,480 |
Indo-Iranian languages | 500 |
Italic (Romance) languages | 23,070 |
Catalan | 20 |
Italian | 1,270 |
Portuguese | 1,770 |
Romanian | 2,470 |
Spanish | 17,540 |
Japanese | 1,105 |
Kartvelian languages | 80 |
Georgian | 85 |
Korean | 6,565 |
Mongolic languages | 280 |
Mongolian | 280 |
Niger-Congo languages | 1,825 |
Akan (Twi) | 330 |
Bamanankan | 5 |
Edo | 25 |
Ewe | 15 |
Fulah (Pular; Pulaar; Fulfulde) | 40 |
Ga | 25 |
Igbo | 135 |
Lingala | 25 |
Rundi (Kirundi) | 60 |
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) | 25 |
Shona | 95 |
Swahili | 345 |
Wolof | 60 |
Yoruba | 345 |
Niger-Congo languages | 280 |
Nilo-Saharan languages | 910 |
Dinka | 445 |
Nilo-Saharan languages | 465 |
Sign languages | 335 |
American Sign Language | 90 |
Sign languages | 255 |
Sino-Tibetan languages | 46,860 |
Chinese languages | 45,985 |
Cantonese | 22,245 |
Hakka | 95 |
Mandarin | 21,140 |
Min Dong | 5 |
Min Nan (Chaochow; Teochow; Fukien; Taiwanese) | 675 |
Wu (Shanghainese) | 210 |
Chinese | 1,605 |
Chinese languages | 5 |
Tibeto-Burman languages | 875 |
Burmese | 175 |
Karenic languages | 235 |
Tibetan | 400 |
Tibeto-Burman languages | 70 |
Tai-Kadai languages | 420 |
Lao | 190 |
Thai | 225 |
Tai-Kadai languages | 5 |
Turkic languages | 1,000 |
Azerbaijani | 105 |
Turkish | 755 |
Uyghur | 45 |
Uzbek | 55 |
Turkic languages | 45 |
Uralic languages | 1,380 |
Estonian | 15 |
Finnish | 55 |
Hungarian | 1,310 |
Other languages | 110 |
Calgary Population by Race
Minority Population
Below is the table of visible minority population.
Ethnic | Population | Male | Female |
South Asian | 122,900 | 62,350 | 60,555 |
Chinese | 89,675 | 43,775 | 45,900 |
Black | 54,190 | 27,745 | 26,445 |
Filipino | 70,660 | 31,680 | 38,975 |
Latin American | 27,710 | 13,720 | 13,990 |
Arab | 26,320 | 13,970 | 12,350 |
Southeast Asian | 23,240 | 11,145 | 12,100 |
West Asian | 12,810 | 6,790 | 6,015 |
Korean | 10,995 | 5,170 | 5,825 |
Japanese | 5,570 | 2,465 | 3,110 |
Visible minority Others | 4,610 | 2,170 | 2,440 |
Ethnic Origin Population
Ethnic | Population |
North American Aboriginal origins | 55,430 |
First Nations (North American Indian) | 32,630 |
Inuit | 650 |
Métis | 24,275 |
Other North American origins | 292,965 |
Acadian | 1,730 |
American | 23,680 |
Canadian | 275,950 |
New Brunswicker | 25 |
Newfoundlander | 540 |
Nova Scotian | 55 |
Ontarian | 50 |
Québécois | 495 |
Other North American origins | 155 |
European origins | 818,210 |
British Isles origins | 525,560 |
Channel Islander | 135 |
Cornish | 90 |
English | 298,865 |
Irish | 197,185 |
Manx | 350 |
Scottish | 240,775 |
Welsh | 27,270 |
British Isles origins | 36,340 |
French origins | 118,080 |
Alsatian | 45 |
Breton | 25 |
Corsican | 15 |
French | 118,030 |
Western European origins (except French origins) | 261,285 |
Austrian | 14,495 |
Bavarian | 25 |
Belgian | 6,570 |
Dutch | 53,975 |
Flemish | 625 |
Frisian | 180 |
German | 201,650 |
Luxembourger | 255 |
Swiss | 8,050 |
Western European origins | 425 |
Northern European origins (except British Isles origins) | 95,065 |
Danish | 18,720 |
Finnish | 5,720 |
Icelandic | 7,645 |
Norwegian | 42,000 |
Swedish | 26,815 |
Northern European origins | 4,075 |
Eastern European origins | 205,690 |
Bulgarian | 1,595 |
Byelorussian | 815 |
Czech | 7,600 |
Czechoslovakian | 2,540 |
Estonian | 1,200 |
Hungarian | 22,045 |
Latvian | 1,210 |
Lithuanian | 2,430 |
Moldovan | 965 |
Polish | 55,705 |
Romanian | 13,590 |
Russian | 37,955 |
Slovak | 4,765 |
Ukrainian | 90,740 |
Eastern European origins | 905 |
Southern European origins | 92,660 |
Albanian | 1,875 |
Bosnian | 1,775 |
Catalan | 45 |
Croatian | 6,265 |
Cypriot | 65 |
Greek | 6,770 |
Italian | 42,940 |
Kosovar | 150 |
Macedonian | 535 |
Maltese | 590 |
Montenegrin | 130 |
Portuguese | 8,600 |
Serbian | 3,405 |
Sicilian | 145 |
Slovenian | 1,805 |
Spanish | 22,255 |
Yugoslavian | 1,725 |
Southern European origins | 120 |
Other European origins | 9,575 |
Basque | 190 |
Jewish | 4,530 |
Roma (Gypsy) | 165 |
Slavic | 450 |
Other European origins | 4,275 |
Caribbean origins | 15,530 |
Antiguan | 290 |
Bahamian | 125 |
Barbadian | 865 |
Bermudan | 125 |
Carib | 60 |
Cuban | 825 |
Dominican | 335 |
Grenadian | 200 |
Haitian | 995 |
Jamaican | 7,260 |
Kittitian/Nevisian | 65 |
Montserratan | 10 |
Puerto Rican | 240 |
St. Lucian | 340 |
Trinidadian/Tobagonian | 2,140 |
Vincentian/Grenadinian | 345 |
West Indian | 1,195 |
Caribbean origins | 1,140 |
Latin; Central and South American origins | 36,000 |
Aboriginal from Central/South America (except Arawak and Maya) | 820 |
Arawak | 85 |
Argentinian | 795 |
Belizean | 215 |
Bolivian | 280 |
Brazilian | 1,635 |
Chilean | 3,240 |
Colombian | 7,450 |
Costa Rican | 295 |
Ecuadorian | 440 |
Guatemalan | 1,235 |
Guyanese | 1,155 |
Hispanic | 735 |
Honduran | 365 |
Maya | 215 |
Mexican | 8,460 |
Nicaraguan | 900 |
Panamanian | 160 |
Paraguayan | 160 |
Peruvian | 1,480 |
Salvadorean | 2,935 |
Uruguayan | 140 |
Venezuelan | 3,440 |
Latin; Central and South American origins | 1,670 |
African origins | 58,390 |
Central and West African origins | 16,420 |
Akan | 95 |
Angolan | 160 |
Ashanti | 85 |
Beninese | 125 |
Burkinabe | 15 |
Cameroonian | 965 |
Chadian | 65 |
Congolese | 1,390 |
Edo | 290 |
Ewe | 65 |
Gabonese | 20 |
Gambian | 70 |
Ghanaian | 1,865 |
Guinean | 155 |
Ibo | 1,140 |
Ivorian | 185 |
Liberian | 300 |
Malian | 25 |
Malinké | 20 |
Nigerian | 7,820 |
Peulh | 50 |
Senegalese | 280 |
Sierra Leonean | 225 |
Togolese | 75 |
Wolof | 45 |
Yoruba | 1,770 |
Central and West African origins | 640 |
North African origins | 11,375 |
Algerian | 825 |
Berber | 350 |
Coptic | 120 |
Dinka | 265 |
Egyptian | 4,525 |
Libyan | 580 |
Maure | 10 |
Moroccan | 1,080 |
Sudanese | 3,315 |
Tunisian | 475 |
North African origins | 290 |
Southern and East African origins | 21,080 |
Afrikaner | 135 |
Amhara | 220 |
Bantu | 230 |
Burundian | 195 |
Djiboutian | 10 |
Eritrean | 3,770 |
Ethiopian | 6,380 |
Harari | 50 |
Kenyan | 970 |
Malagasy | 50 |
Mauritian | 270 |
Oromo | 675 |
Rwandan | 175 |
Seychellois | 25 |
Somali | 2,755 |
South African | 2,785 |
Tanzanian | 480 |
Tigrian | 430 |
Ugandan | 340 |
Zambian | 125 |
Zimbabwean | 810 |
Zulu | 60 |
Southern and East African origins | 1,530 |
Other African origins | 10,600 |
Black | 895 |
Other African origins | 9,800 |
Asian origins | 384,200 |
West Central Asian and Middle Eastern origins | 48,420 |
Afghan | 5,320 |
Arab | 5,055 |
Armenian | 1,010 |
Assyrian | 360 |
Azerbaijani | 295 |
Georgian | 230 |
Hazara | 265 |
Iranian | 8,570 |
Iraqi | 3,820 |
Israeli | 735 |
Jordanian | 595 |
Kazakh | 285 |
Kurd | 940 |
Kuwaiti | 50 |
Kyrgyz | 150 |
Lebanese | 13,755 |
Palestinian | 1,650 |
Pashtun | 380 |
Saudi Arabian | 185 |
Syrian | 3,325 |
Tajik | 175 |
Tatar | 360 |
Turk | 2,590 |
Turkmen | 55 |
Uighur | 150 |
Uzbek | 270 |
Yemeni | 545 |
West Central Asian and Middle Eastern origins | 1,355 |
South Asian origins | 122,515 |
Bangladeshi | 2,365 |
Bengali | 985 |
Bhutanese | 160 |
East Indian | 90,620 |
Goan | 345 |
Gujarati | 295 |
Kashmiri | 595 |
Nepali | 1,900 |
Pakistani | 18,495 |
Punjabi | 8,570 |
Sinhalese | 385 |
Sri Lankan | 2,410 |
Tamil | 445 |
South Asian origins | 2,570 |
East and Southeast Asian origins | 215,510 |
Burmese | 755 |
Cambodian (Khmer) | 2,100 |
Chinese | 104,620 |
Filipino | 75,020 |
Indonesian | 1,580 |
Japanese | 7,705 |
Karen | 300 |
Korean | 11,615 |
Laotian | 935 |
Malaysian | 1,355 |
Mongolian | 1,090 |
Singaporean | 205 |
Taiwanese | 1,190 |
Thai | 1,100 |
Tibetan | 890 |
Vietnamese | 21,010 |
East and Southeast Asian origins | 325 |
Other Asian origins | 1,635 |
Other Asian origins | 1,635 |
Oceania origins | 6,310 |
Australian | 3,420 |
New Zealander | 1,275 |
Pacific Islands origins | 1,720 |
Fijian | 1,175 |
Hawaiian | 160 |
Maori | 145 |
Polynesian | 85 |
Samoan | 65 |
Pacific Islands origins | 135 |
Nativity by Place of Birth
Type | Total | Male | Female |
Canadian citizens | 1,220,070 | 612,475 | 607,590 |
Canadian citizens aged under 18 | 282,095 | 144,675 | 137,420 |
Canadian citizens aged 18 and over | 937,975 | 467,800 | 470,170 |
Not Canadian citizens | 154,585 | 74,575 | 80,010 |
Immigrant Status
Below is the Immigrant status and period of immigration for the population:
Type | Total | Male | Female |
Non-immigrants | 942,785 | 477,115 | 465,665 |
Immigrants | 404,700 | 196,445 | 208,260 |
Before 1981 | 695,85 | 34,700 | 34,885 |
1981 to 1990 | 41,035 | 19,545 | 21,495 |
1991 to 2000 | 68,565 | 32,850 | 35,715 |
2001 to 2010 | 132,260 | 64,205 | 68,055 |
2001 to 2005 | 59,300 | 28,975 | 30,325 |
2006 to 2010 | 72,960 | 35,235 | 37,730 |
2011 to 2016 | 93,255 | 45,140 | 48,115 |
Non-permanent residents | 27,170 | 13,490 | 13,680 |
Calgary Population by Nationality
Nationality | Total | Male | Female |
Americas | 44,350 | 21,140 | 23,205 |
Brazil | 1,470 | 675 | 800 |
Colombia | 5,805 | 2,755 | 3,050 |
El Salvador | 2,450 | 1,240 | 1,215 |
Guyana | 865 | 435 | 430 |
Haiti | 525 | 280 | 250 |
Jamaica | 3,085 | 1,405 | 1,680 |
Mexico | 4,480 | 2,200 | 2,290 |
Peru | 1,115 | 475 | 645 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 1,470 | 720 | 750 |
United States | 12,110 | 5,550 | 6,560 |
Other places of birth in Americas | 10,965 | 5,415 | 5,550 |
Europe | 81,045 | 40,575 | 40,470 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2,065 | 1,060 | 1,010 |
Croatia | 1,310 | 685 | 630 |
France | 1,285 | 635 | 655 |
Germany | 6,485 | 3,080 | 3,400 |
Greece | 940 | 490 | 450 |
Hungary | 1,965 | 970 | 990 |
Ireland | 1,685 | 895 | 790 |
Italy | 3,855 | 2,070 | 1,790 |
Netherlands | 3,385 | 1,815 | 1,570 |
Poland | 6,845 | 3,240 | 3,600 |
Portugal | 1,165 | 535 | 635 |
Romania | 4,515 | 2,260 | 2,255 |
Russian Federation | 4,000 | 1,720 | 2,285 |
Serbia | 1,120 | 575 | 550 |
Ukraine | 2,965 | 1,365 | 1,600 |
United Kingdom | 26,175 | 13,470 | 12,710 |
Other places of birth in Europe | 11,270 | 5,715 | 5,560 |
Africa | 40,865 | 20,905 | 19,960 |
Algeria | 770 | 415 | 355 |
Egypt | 2,930 | 1,565 | 1,365 |
Ethiopia | 5,230 | 2,585 | 2,645 |
Kenya | 2,735 | 1,330 | 1,405 |
Morocco | 685 | 360 | 325 |
Nigeria | 7,685 | 3,995 | 3,695 |
Somalia | 1,340 | 630 | 710 |
South Africa; Republic of | 3,015 | 1,570 | 1,440 |
Other places of birth in Africa | 16,470 | 8,460 | 8,015 |
Asia | 234,535 | 111,835 | 122,705 |
Afghanistan | 3,285 | 1,765 | 1,520 |
Bangladesh | 3,145 | 1,615 | 1,530 |
China | 34,945 | 16,100 | 18,840 |
Hong Kong | 11,115 | 5,390 | 5,720 |
India | 46,945 | 23,575 | 23,375 |
Iran | 5,800 | 3,000 | 2,795 |
Iraq | 3,650 | 1,955 | 1,700 |
Japan | 1,545 | 435 | 1,115 |
Korea; South | 7,280 | 3,425 | 3,855 |
Lebanon | 4,340 | 2,305 | 2,030 |
Pakistan | 17,740 | 9,230 | 8,505 |
Philippines | 53,450 | 23,270 | 30,180 |
Sri Lanka | 2,010 | 1,030 | 980 |
Syria | 2,195 | 1,145 | 1,045 |
Taiwan | 2,235 | 950 | 1,290 |
Viet Nam | 15,700 | 7,310 | 8,385 |
Other places of birth in Asia | 19,160 | 9,325 | 9,840 |
Oceania and other places of birth | 3,910 | 1,995 | 1,920 |
Recent immigrants by selected places of birth
National | Total | Male | Female |
Americas | 9,350 | 4,675 | 4,670 |
Brazil | 535 | 245 | 285 |
Colombia | 1,275 | 605 | 670 |
Cuba | 125 | 60 | 70 |
Haiti | 150 | 95 | 50 |
Jamaica | 470 | 245 | 225 |
Mexico | 1,970 | 1,035 | 935 |
United States | 2,055 | 990 | 1,065 |
Venezuela | 1,135 | 555 | 575 |
Other places of birth in Americas | 1,640 | 855 | 785 |
Europe | 9,565 | 4,900 | 4,660 |
France | 265 | 155 | 115 |
Germany | 460 | 215 | 245 |
Ireland | 605 | 380 | 225 |
Moldova | 450 | 250 | 195 |
Romania | 605 | 310 | 295 |
Russian Federation | 645 | 220 | 430 |
Ukraine | 830 | 340 | 490 |
United Kingdom | 2,880 | 1,635 | 1,240 |
Other places of birth in Europe | 2,820 | 1,405 | 1,420 |
Africa | 12,030 | 6,120 | 5,905 |
Algeria | 155 | 75 | 85 |
Cameroon | 570 | 285 | 280 |
Congo; Democratic Republic of the | 215 | 100 | 120 |
Côte d'Ivoire | 135 | 85 | 55 |
Egypt | 1,130 | 590 | 540 |
Eritrea | 1,045 | 605 | 445 |
Ethiopia | 1,590 | 735 | 855 |
Morocco | 190 | 70 | 120 |
Nigeria | 3,910 | 2,055 | 1,860 |
Somalia | 240 | 90 | 150 |
South Africa; Republic of | 520 | 295 | 230 |
Tunisia | 75 | 35 | 35 |
Other places of birth in Africa | 2,250 | 1,105 | 1,150 |
Asia | 61,520 | 28,920 | 32,600 |
Afghanistan | 490 | 270 | 220 |
Bangladesh | 750 | 345 | 400 |
China | 6,265 | 2,815 | 3,455 |
Hong Kong | 420 | 190 | 225 |
India | 13,050 | 6,625 | 6,425 |
Iran | 2,245 | 1,130 | 1,115 |
Iraq | 1,225 | 655 | 575 |
Israel | 225 | 115 | 115 |
Japan | 330 | 80 | 255 |
Korea; South | 1,910 | 775 | 1,135 |
Lebanon | 540 | 280 | 265 |
Nepal | 1,120 | 590 | 530 |
Pakistan | 4,400 | 2,150 | 2,255 |
Philippines | 21,960 | 9,880 | 12,080 |
Saudi Arabia | 350 | 175 | 180 |
Sri Lanka | 335 | 155 | 180 |
Syria | 1,385 | 700 | 685 |
Taiwan | 325 | 110 | 215 |
Turkey | 140 | 60 | 80 |
United Arab Emirates | 440 | 230 | 215 |
Viet Nam | 1,220 | 500 | 725 |
Other places of birth in Asia | 2,395 | 1,105 | 1,290 |
Oceania and other | 795 | 525 | 270 |
Australia | 555 | 355 | 205 |
Other places of birth | 240 | 170 | 65 |
Generation Status
Type | Total Population | Male | Female |
First generation | 441,415 | 215,050 | 226,365 |
Second generation | 291,960 | 147,890 | 144,070 |
Third generation or more | 641,275 | 324,110 | 317,165 |
Immigrants Type
Type | Total Population | Male | Female |
Economic immigrants | 192,870 | 97,195 | 95,670 |
Principal applicants | 76,450 | 48,060 | 28,390 |
Secondary applicants | 116,420 | 49,140 | 67,280 |
Immigrants sponsored by family | 98,055 | 40,170 | 57,880 |
Refugees | 48,125 | 26,390 | 21,735 |
Other immigrants | 2,805 | 1,415 | 1,395 |
Calgary Population age wise
According to 2016 Census, The median age of Calgary population is 36.6 years and average age is 37.4 years. 18.8% are between below 15 years, 70.2% are between 15 and 64 years, 11% are 65 years and over, 1.4% are 85 years and over.
Age Group | Total | Male | Female |
0 to 14 years | 261,455 | 134,160 | 127,295 |
0 to 4 years | 89,105 | 45,740 | 43,365 |
5 to 9 years | 91,800 | 47,295 | 44,510 |
10 to 14 years | 80,545 | 41,125 | 39,420 |
15 to 64 years | 978,150 | 490,645 | 487,505 |
15 to 19 years | 79,480 | 40,845 | 38,635 |
20 to 24 years | 86,685 | 44,005 | 42,680 |
25 to 29 years | 109,505 | 54,295 | 55,210 |
30 to 34 years | 121,380 | 60,440 | 60,940 |
35 to 39 years | 112,890 | 55,980 | 56,905 |
40 to 44 years | 105,290 | 52,705 | 52,585 |
45 to 49 years | 98,845 | 50,050 | 48,800 |
50 to 54 years | 97,860 | 48,970 | 48,890 |
55 to 59 years | 92,715 | 46,440 | 46,275 |
60 to 64 years | 73,495 | 36,915 | 36,580 |
65 years and over | 153,005 | 70,325 | 82,680 |
65 to 69 years | 55,100 | 27,040 | 28,060 |
70 to 74 years | 35,250 | 16,940 | 18,310 |
75 to 79 years | 24,900 | 11,275 | 13,625 |
80 to 84 years | 18,705 | 8,165 | 10,540 |
85 years and over | 19,055 | 6,910 | 12,145 |
85 to 89 years | 12,215 | 4,835 | 7,380 |
90 to 94 years | 5,230 | 1,690 | 3,535 |
95 to 99 years | 1,440 | 360 | 1,080 |
100 years and over | 165 | 25 | 145 |
Marital status for the population aged 15 years and over are, 575,690 are married, 101,855 are living common law, 453,610 are not married and not living common law, 319,635 are never married, 24,765 are Separated, 68,000 are divorced and 41,205 are widowed.
Average size of census families are 3, 329,420 are total couple families, 278,500 are married couples and 50,915 are common-law couples. 143,105 are couples without children, 186,315 couples with children, out of these 70,125 are 1 child, 81,655 are 2 children, 34,530 are 3 or more children.
Income of individuals in 2015, 174,305 people are earning $100,000 and over, out of these 119,220 are Male and 55,090 are Female.
Under $10,000 | 137,795 | 53,675 | 84,125 |
$10,000 to $19,999 | 130,050 | 51,980 | 78,065 |
$20,000 to $29,999 | 118,615 | 47,765 | 70,850 |
$30,000 to $39,999 | 102,090 | 45,305 | 56,780 |
$40,000 to $49,999 | 98,245 | 46,560 | 51,680 |
$50,000 to $59,999 | 85,120 | 42,580 | 42,540 |
$60,000 to $69,999 | 70,325 | 37,550 | 32,780 |
$70,000 to $79,999 | 56,815 | 32,105 | 24,710 |
$80,000 to $89,999 | 45,800 | 26,625 | 19,175 |
$90,000 to $99,999 | 38,945 | 22,460 | 16,485 |
$100,000 to $149,999 | 96,090 | 60,925 | 35,165 |
$150,000 and over | 78,215 | 58,290 | 19,930 |