
Ecuador Population 2024


Ecuador is a country in northwestern South America, borders Colombia on the north, Peru to the east and south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Ecuador was colonized by Spain during the 16th century, achieving independence in 1820 and emerged as its own sovereign state in 1830. Ecuador population in 2024 is estimated to be 18.92 million, covers country area of 283,561 sq km (109,484 sq mi), ranks seventy-third country by area and the sixty-fifth most populous country in the world. The largest cities are Quito and Guayaquil, Quito is capital city of Ecuador, and other popular cities are Cuenca, Santo, Domingo, Ambato, Portoviejo, Durán, Machala, Loja and Manta. Spanish is the official language of Ecuador, other recognised languages are 13 Native languages including Kichwa and Shuar. Country code is ECU, Galápagos Islands are the part of Ecuador in the Pacific, about 1,000 kilometers west of the mainland. The Galápagos Islands are a chain of islands in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The Galápagos are best known for their diverse array of plant and animal species.

Below table is the population of Ecuador from 1960 to 2020:

Ecuador Population Growth

Ecuador population in 1960 is 4,543,658, by 1970 the population is increased by 1,525,717 totaling to 6,069,375, by 1980 the population is increased to 7,989,178, and by 1990 the total increase of 10,230,931 in 30 years from 1960 to 1990 resulting to 10,230,931. From 1990 to 2000, population increased to 12,681,123, and from 2000 to 2010 the population of Ecuador increase by 2,329,991 with a change of 18.37 percent and increase of population from 2010 to 2020 by 2,631,946 with a change of 17.53 percent and make up to 17,643,060. Ecuador population in 2023 is estimated to be 18.55 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 18.19 million, Population of Ecuador in 2021 is estimated as 17.91 million.

Source : worldbank

Ecuador Population by Provinces

Ecuador is divided into 24 provinces, Ecuador province populations are projected for 2021.

ProvinceCapitalPopulation 2021
(Projected )
Area (sq km)
 El OroMachala881,3045,879
 GalápagosPuerto Baquerizo Moreno40,6858,010
 Los RíosBabahoyo1,134,9677,100
 Morona SantiagoMacas241,99425,690
 OrellanaPuerto Francisco de Orellana198,65521,691
 Santa ElenaSanta Elena493,9703,696
 Santo Domingo de los TsáchilasSanto Domingo564,6504,180
 SucumbíosNueva Loja283,81818,612
 Zamora ChinchipeZamora148,26810,556



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