Newark Population 2024
Newark is the most populous city in the U.S. state of New Jersey, borders Passaic River and Newark Bay to the east, urban areas to the south and southwest, and residential suburbs and industrial areas to the north. Newark population in 2024 is estimated to be 315,565, covers city area 25.89 sq mi (67.04 sq km), It is the third-smallest land area and most populous city in New Jersey State, sixty-second city rank in United States. Newark is most diverse city of United States, In 1666, Newark was settled by Connecticut Puritans led by Robert Treat from the New Haven Colony. The Newark city is nicknamed as the Gateway city, the largest in New Jersey Gateway Region. Newark is the part of the United States most populous NewYork Metropolitan with the population of 22.5 million in 2019.
Below is the Newark population by year:
Year | Population | Change % |
2010 | 277,158 | |
2011 | 277,540 | 0.14 |
2012 | 277,590 | 0.02 |
2013 | 278,152 | 0.20 |
2014 | 278,991 | 0.30 |
2015 | 279,629 | 0.23 |
2016 | 280,628 | 0.36 |
2017 | 281,014 | 0.14 |
2018 | 282,090 | 0.38 |
2019 | 282,011 | -0.03 |
2020 | 311,549 | 10.47 |
2021 * | 307,215 | -1.391 |
2022 * | 312,574 | 1.72 |
2023 * | 315,191 | 0.84 |
2024 * | 315,565 | 0.12 |
Newark Population by Age
According to 2019 US population estimates, Total Newark population is 281,999, out of these 140,448 are male, 141,551 are female, The sex ratio of Newark is 99. The median age of the Newark population is 34.6, Newark population by age are, under 18 years is 69,322, 16 years and over is 219,790, 18 years and over is 212,677, 21 years and over is 198,601, 65 years and over is 39,504. 49.8% are male, 50.2% are female, Population of Newark by age percent wise is, 24.6% are under 18 years old, 77.9% are 16 years and over, 75.4% are 18 years and over, 70.4% are 21 years and over, 10.7% are 65 years and over. There are total 113,623 housing units, The voting population of Newark are 160,087, out of these 76,578 are male voters, 83,509 are female voters, 47.8% are male, 52.2% are female. Newark population in 2023 is estimated to be 313,945, population in 2022 is estimated to be 312,574, and in 2021 is estimated to be 307,215.
Age Group | Population | Percent |
0 -5 | 19,955 | 7.1% |
5 - 9 | 17,333 | 6.1% |
10 - 14 | 21,967 | 7.8% |
15 - 19 | 19,385 | 6.9% |
20 - 24 | 19,997 | 7.1% |
25 - 34 | 44,475 | 15.8% |
35 - 44 | 38,740 | 13.7% |
45 - 54 | 39,282 | 13.9% |
55 - 59 | 15,362 | 5.4% |
60 - 64 | 15,370 | 5.5% |
65 - 74 | 18,221 | 6.5% |
75 - 84 | 8,693 | 3.1% |
85 and over | 3,219 | 1.1% |
Newark Population by Race
White Population
White population in Newark, New Jersey are 94,067, percentage wise 33.4 percent are whites.
Black Population
Black population in Newark, New Jersey are 140,648, percentage wise 49.9 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Newark, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Carribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.
Asian Population
Asian population in Newark are 4,238, percentage wise 1.5 percent are asians, out of these are Asian Indians, are Chinese, are Filipinos, are Japanese, are Korean, are Vietnamese and are other Asian nationals.
Hispanic Population
Hispanic population in Newark, New Jersey are 103,965. Percentage wise 36.9 percent are hispanics, out of these 4,308 are Mexican people, 30,638 are Puerto Ricans, 1,367 are Cubans, and 67,652 are other Hispanic or Latinos.
Population by Race | 281,999 | Percent |
White | 94,067 | 33.4% |
Black or African American | 140,648 | 49.9% |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 628 | 0.2% |
Asian Population | 4,238 | 1.5% |
Hispanic or Latino | 103,965 | 36.9% |
Mexican | 4,308 | 1.5% |
Puerto Rican | 30,638 | 10.9% |
Cuban | 1,367 | 0.5% |
Other Hispanic or Latino | 67,652 |
Nativity by Place of Birth
According to 2019 estimates, Newark native population is 182,078, out of these 132,402 born in the New Jersey state and 37,593 born in other state in the United States. Foreign born or Population born outside the US are 99,921, out of these 39,347 are Naturalised US citizen, 5,919 are in Europe, 885 in Asia, 7,986 in Africa, 24,510 in Latin America and 47 in Northern America. Non-US Citizens, Total Foreigners living in Newark are 60,574, out of these 3,250 are from Europe, 3,069 are from Asia, 10,373 from Africa, 43,815 are from Latin America and 67 are from Northern America.
Nativity by Place of Birth | Population |
Native | 182,078 |
Born in state of residence | 132,402 |
Born in other state in the United States | 37,593 |
Northeast | 21,974 |
Midwest | 1,455 |
South | 12,701 |
West | 1,463 |
Born outside the United States | 12,083 |
Puerto Rico | 9,440 |
U.S. Island Areas | 56 |
Born abroad of American parent(s) | 2,587 |
Foreign born | |
Born outside of United States | 99,921 |
Naturalized U.S. citizen | 39,347 |
Europe | 5,919 |
Asia | 885 |
Africa | 7,986 |
Oceania | 0 |
Latin America | 24,510 |
Northern America | 47 |
Foreigner | |
Not a U.S. citizen | 60,574 |
Europe | 3,250 |
Asia | 3,069 |
Africa | 10,373 |
Oceania | 0 |
Latin America | 43,815 |
Northern America | 67 |