Kuwait is a country in Western Asia, borders Iraq to the north, Saudi Arabia to the south, maritime border with Iran. Most of the population reside in cities, thirty-one percent of the total population are Kuwaitis and sixty-nine percent of population are foreign nationals from over 100 countries. Kuwait population in 2025 is estimated to be 4.57 million, covers country area of 17,818 sq km (6,880 sq mi), ranks one-hundred-fifty-second country by area and the one-hundred-twenty-eighth most populous country in the world. Its capital and largest city Kuwait City, other popular cities are Al Ahmadi, Hawalli, As Salimiyah, Sabah as Salim, Al Farwaniyah and Al Fahahil. Country code is KWT, Population of Kuwait in 2021 is estimated as 4.33 million, Life expectancy of Kuwait is 79.25 years for male and 83.95 years for female. Kuwait is ninth richest country in Asia. Kuwait nine Islands are Failaka, Bubyan, Miskan, Warbah, Auhah, Um-Almaradim, Um-Alnamil, Kubbar and Garouh. Islam is the official religion of the State of Kuwait.
Below table is the population of Kuwait from 1960 to 2020:Year | Population |
1960 | 269,026 |
1965 | 472,032 |
1970 | 744,444 |
1975 | 1,021,725 |
1980 | 1,368,680 |
1985 | 1,735,278 |
1990 | 2,095,350 |
1995 | 1,605,907 |
2000 | 2,045,123 |
2005 | 2,270,196 |
2010 | 2,991,884 |
2015 | 3,835,588 |
2020 | 4,270,563 |
Kuwait population in 1960 is 269,026, by 1970 the population is increased by 475,418 totaling to 744,444, by 1980 the population is increased to 1,368,680, and by 1990 the total increase of 2,095,350 in 30 years from 1960 to 1990 resulting to 2,095,350. From 1990 to 2000, population increased to 2,045,123, and from 2000 to 2010 the population of Kuwait increase by 946,761 with a change of 46.29 percent and increase of population from 2010 to 2020 by 1,278,679 with a change of 42.74 percent and make up to 4,270,563. Kuwait population in 2023 is estimated to be 4.48 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 4.4 million, Population of Kuwait in 2021 is estimated as 4.33 million.
Kuwait is divided into six Governorates: Al Asimah, the largest governorate is Jahra, Hawalli, Farwaniyah, Mubarak Al-Kabeer and Al-Ahmadi.
Governorate | Area (Sq km) |
Ahmadi Governorate | 5,120 |
Al-Asimah Governorate | 175 |
Farwaniya Governorate | 204 |
Hawalli Governorate | 85 |
Jahra Governorate | 12,750 |
Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate | 104 |
According to csb, population statistics in 2021 as below:
Age Group | Kuwaiti | Non-Kuwaiti | Male | Female | Population (2021) |
0-1 | 31,254 | 18,118 | 25,012 | 24,360 | 49,372 |
1-4 | 130,341 | 90,950 | 113,964 | 107,327 | 221,291 |
5-9 | 166,385 | 153,401 | 171,625 | 148,161 | 319,786 |
10-14 | 144,429 | 157,362 | 166,760 | 135,031 | 301,791 |
15-19 | 131,980 | 120,323 | 137,373 | 114,930 | 252,303 |
20-24 | 125,269 | 97,963 | 120,799 | 102,433 | 223,232 |
25-29 | 118,500 | 82,485 | 110,441 | 90,544 | 200,985 |
30-24 | 105,227 | 199,583 | 166,953 | 137,857 | 304,810 |
35-39 | 86,342 | 401,892 | 297,820 | 190,414 | 488,234 |
40-44 | 72,107 | 448,409 | 345,239 | 175,277 | 520,516 |
45-49 | 71,364 | 448,340 | 344,745 | 174,959 | 519,704 |
50-54 | 57,923 | 291,056 | 231,754 | 117,225 | 348,979 |
55-59 | 48,990 | 194,964 | 161,713 | 82,241 | 243,954 |
60-64 | 36,852 | 122,136 | 108,470 | 50,518 | 158,988 |
65-69 | 26,895 | 65,808 | 62,665 | 30,038 | 92,703 |
70-74 | 16,942 | 29,943 | 29,752 | 17,133 | 46,885 |
75-79 | 10,641 | 11,538 | 12,776 | 9,403 | 22,179 |
80+ | 10,516 | 9,784 | 11,586 | 8,714 | 20,300 |
Total | 1,391,957 | 2,944,055 | 2,619,447 | 1,716,565 | 4,336,012 |
Sixty-nine percent of Kuwait population are foreign nationals, most of the foreign nationals are residing in Kuwait City. Expatriates are primarily attracted by the employment opportunities in Kuwait. The below table is the estimates as on 2021:
Expatriates | Population(2021) |
Indians | 1,305,480 |
Egyptians | 879,120 |
Filipinos | 318,120 |
Syrians | 212,520 |
Pakistanis | 132,000 |
Palestinians | 99,000 |
Iranians | 59,400 |
Africans | 33000 |
Indonesians | 23760 |
Americans | 22440 |
Chinese | 15840 |
Turks | 5280 |
Britishers | 7920 |
Japanese | 3960 |
Other Asians | 132000 |
Other Arabs | 110000 |
Others | 210000 |
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