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States by Population

Mississippi Population 2025

Mississippi People
Mississippi (U.S. state abbreviation is 'MS') is the southern state of United States, bordered Alabama to the east, Arkansas and Louisiana to the west, Gulf of Mexico to the south, Tennessee to the north. Mississippi population in 2025 is estimated to be 2.94 million, ranks 34th populous state in US. Mississippi is losing population and decreased by 21,491 people since from the last census of 2020. Its area is 48,430 sq miles (125,443 sq km), 32nd largest by area rank in United States. The Mississippi state was named after the Mississippi River, Originates from the Ojibwa(Chippewa) Indian word 'misi-ziibi' meaning 'great river'. Jackson is the state capital and top other mississippi cities are Gulfport, Southaven, Hattiesburg and Biloxi. Mockingbird is the state bird of Mississippi, the popular places of Mississippi are Ship Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Hattiesburg Zoo and Natchez Trace Parkway. Mississippi Zip code starts with three.

The population of Mississippi state in 2019 is 2.98 million with change of -0.13% compared to -0.10% in 2018. The MS population started declining from 2014 onwards, registered by US census with -0.06% in 2015 and slightly improved with 0.05% in 2017 and declined to -0.10% in 2018. According to U.S. 2020 Census Results, MS population in 2020 is 2,961,279. Mississippi population in 2023 is estimated to be 2.931 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 2.940 million, and in 2021 is estimated to be 2.949 million.
YearPopulation% Change
20202,961,279census updated
July 1, 2020
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018, last census by July 1, 2020

Mississippi Population by Race

According to 2017 demographics estimates population of Mississippi by race are: 58.7% are White Americans, 37.6% are Black Americans, 2.9% are Hispanic/Latino, around 1% are Asians, 0.4% are AIAN.

White Population

White population in Mississippi are 1,755,471, percentage wise 58.79 percent are whites. Whites, also called White Americans or European American, having origins in the original peoples of Europe (numbers include hispanic whites).

Black Population

Black population in Mississippi are 1,122,576, percentage wise 37.59 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Mississippi, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Caribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican. In Mississippi state 1.1 millions are Black Americans which is the third largest African American population by state race percentage after Virgin Islands and District of Columbia.

Asian Population

Asian population in Mississippi are 28,859, percentage wise 0.97 percent are asians, out of these 6,180 are Asian Indians, 4,945 are Chinese, 4,227 are Filipinos, 1,211 are Japanese, 1,984 are Korean, 7,056 are Vietnamese and 3,256 are other Asian nationals. Bangladeshi, 23 Burmese, 333 Cambodian, 343 Laotian, 505 Thai, 382 Nepalese, 20 Okinawan, 447 Pakistani, 122 Sri Lankan.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in Mississippi are 88,261. Percentage wise 2.96 percent are hispanics, out of these 55,790 are Mexican people, 9,136 are Puerto Ricans, 1,813 are Cubans, and 21,522 are other Hispanic or Latinos. Hispanics may be of any race, included in applicable race categories.

AIAN are 13,258 people, 73 are Navajo's, 59 are Chippewa, 770 are Cherokee and 13 are Sioux trible groups. NHPI are 597 people, out of these 154 are Guamanian/Chamorro's, 163 are Native Hawaiians, 97 are Samoans and 183 are other Pacific Islanders.

Total Population2,986,220Percent
Black or African American1,122,57637.59%
American Indian and Alaska Native13,2580.444%
Cherokee tribal grouping7700.026%
Chippewa tribal grouping590.002%
Navajo tribal grouping730.002%
Sioux tribal grouping130.000%
Asian Population28,8590.97%
Asian Indian6,1800.21%
Other Asian Population3,256
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander5970.02%
Native Hawaiian1630.005%
Guamanian or Chamorro1540.005%
Other Pacific Islander183
Some other race27,530
Hispanic or Latino88,2612.96%
Puerto Rican9,1360.31%
Other Hispanic or Latino21,522

Source: US Census 2017(Table B03002)

Top Cities of Mississippi


Population Pyramid

Source: 2021 US Census Estimates: Population In Five Year Age-Group

Mississippi Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, population of Mississippi by age is 2,986,220, out of these 1,448,717 are male, 1,537,503 are female, The sex ratio of Mississippi is 942. The Mississippi population by age are, under 15 years is 602,395, 15 years and over is 2,383,825, 30 years and over is 1,756,724, 65 years and over is 437,027 and 85 years and over is 48,241. 48.51 percent are male, 51.49 percent are female, 20.17 percent are under 15 years old, 79.83 percent are 15 years and over, 58.83 percent are 30 years and over, 14.63 percent are 65 years and over, 1.62 percent are 85 years and over.

Languages spoken in MS

English is the Official language of MS state, the widely spoken langugage is English with 96% of population spoken at home, followed by 2.4% Spanish, 0.58 European languages and 0.63 Asian languages.
Asian Indian languages include 449 speak Telugu, 160 Tamil, 284 Malayalam, Kannada, or other Dravidian languages, 732 Gujarati, 1,544 Hindi, 467 Urdu, 1,026 Punjabi, 360 Bengali, 1,294 Nepali, Marathi, or other Indic languages.
East and Mid Asia people speak 3,489 Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese), 32 Hmong, 903 Japanese, 1,756 Korean, 6,102 Vietnamese, 320 Khmer, 489 Thai, Lao, or other Tai-Kadai languages, 2,968 Tagalog (including Filipino) and 255 speak other languages of Asia.
Middleast language speakers are 2,828 Arabic, 171 Hebrew, 301 Persian (including Farsi, Dari).
African languages include 449 Amharic, Somali, or other Afro-Asiatic languages, 483 Yoruba, Twi, Igbo, or other languages of Western Africa, 170 Swahili or other languages of Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa.
12 people speak Navajo, 120 Haitian, 3,860 Other Native languages of North America, 310 speak Ilocano, Samoan, Hawaiian, or other Austronesian languages.
European language speak are 590 Italian, 718 Portuguese, 2,986 German, 187 Greek, 656 Russian, 326 Polish, 43 Serbo-Croatian, 121 Ukrainian or other Slavic languages, 3,758 French (including Cajun), 676 Yiddish, Pennsylvania Dutch or other West Germanic languages.
Speak only English2,686,12896.09
Spanish Language67,2822.41
European Language16,1770.58
Asian Languages17,5170.63
Other Languages8,2610.30
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1601)

Mississippi Education

Education statistics of Mississippi state as per table below:

Population 18 to 24 years303,818153,769150,049
Less than high school graduate48,62129,60019,021
High school graduate (includes equivalency)87,88249,19438,688
Some college or associates degree148,74767,73081,017
Bachelors degree or higher18,5687,24511,323
Population 25 years and over1,956,101924,1161,031,985
Less than 9th grade109,88560,06949,816
9th to 12th grade, no diploma215,393112,298103,095
High school graduate (includes equivalency)594,140299,098295,042
Some college, no degree441,829203,883237,946
Associates degree177,53668,811108,725
Bachelors degree259,993113,834146,159
Graduate or professional degree157,32566,12391,202
High school graduate or higher1,040,010492,494547,516
Bachelors degree or higher297,869139,453158,416
Black or African679,253304,904374,349
High school graduate or higher529,202228,014301,188
Bachelors degree or higher100,90431,80469,100
American Indian or Alaska Native alone7,7863,7814,005
High school graduate or higher5,5972,7342,863
Bachelors degree or higher816424392
High school graduate or higher16,1277,2168,911
Bachelors degree or higher7,8193,6764,143
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander415100315
High school graduate or higher40495309
Bachelors degree or higher88088
Hispanic or Latino Origin46,94727,59919,348
High school graduate or higher29,76916,55613,213
Bachelors degree or higher6,4322,9103,522
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1501)


As per 2017 census estimates, the Stastistics of disadvantage people in Mississippi state as per below:

Total civilian non-institutionalized population476,197
Black or African American168,184
American Indian and Alaska Native alone2,894
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander151
Some other race1,434
With a hearing difficulty119,381
With a vision difficulty100,764
With a cognitive difficulty183,649
With an ambulatory difficulty276,721
With a self-care difficulty101,840
With an independent living difficulty179,356

Counties of Mississippi

Mississippi state is divided into 82 counties, Hinds is the populous County with 237,085, Harrison County with 206,650, DeSoto County with 182,001, Rankin County with 153,902 and Jackson County with 143,277.

CountyPopulation 2017Population 2018% ChangeRank 2017Rank 2018
Adams County31,33731,192-0.52727
Alcorn County37,20336,925-0.72020
Amite County12,44412,326-0.96464
Attala County18,48218,365-0.65151
Benton County8,2868,271-0.27676
Bolivar County31,89531,333-1.82526
Calhoun County14,52514,436-0.65859
Carroll County10,1179,911-27071
Chickasaw County17,18917,171-0.15454
Choctaw County8,2728,2780.17775
Claiborne County9,0539,002-0.67373
Clarke County15,82315,604-1.45757
Clay County19,65819,386-1.44748
Coahoma County23,18522,628-2.44142
Copiah County28,54828,54303132
Covington County19,04518,853-14949
DeSoto County178,914182,0011.733
Forrest County75,26375,036-0.399
Franklin County7,7797,7880.17878
George County23,97324,2501.23939
Greene County13,53813,5860.46161
Grenada County21,05621,05504545
Hancock County47,02047,3340.71616
Harrison County204,933206,6500.822
Hinds County240,033237,085-1.211
Holmes County17,84917,622-1.35353
Humphreys County8,3498,257-1.17577
Issaquena County1,3411,308-2.58282
Itawamba County23,51223,51704040
Jackson County142,369143,2770.655
Jasper County16,55616,428-0.85555
Jefferson County7,2337,106-1.88079
Jefferson Davis County11,32111,234-0.86666
Jones County68,31268,4610.21010
Kemper County10,11910,027-0.96968
Lafayette County54,23754,79311414
Lamar County61,42662,4471.71111
Lauderdale County76,33075,317-1.388
Lawrence County12,63112,455-1.46262
Leake County22,83222,763-0.34241
Lee County85,03485,2020.277
Leflore County29,32428,919-1.42929
Lincoln County34,32034,205-0.32323
Lowndes County59,18958,930-0.41212
Madison County104,632105,630166
Marion County25,10324,715-1.53838
Marshall County35,63535,451-0.52222
Monroe County35,85235,564-0.82121
Montgomery County10,17510,023-1.56869
Neshoba County29,39329,125-0.92828
Newton County21,42421,4430.14444
Noxubee County10,73210,535-1.86767
Oktibbeha County49,67549,599-0.21515
Panola County34,14134,1780.12424
Pearl River County55,23955,3870.31313
Perry County12,03011,931-0.86565
Pike County39,60239,563-0.11919
Pontotoc County31,64031,8330.62625
Prentiss County25,24125,3150.33737
Quitman County7,2367,051-2.67980
Rankin County152,919153,9020.644
Scott County28,42928,287-0.53433
Sharkey County4,4234,377-18181
Simpson County26,94226,758-0.73535
Smith County16,08116,002-0.55656
Stone County18,62418,7170.55050
Sunflower County26,14625,735-1.63636
Tallahatchie County14,14513,987-1.16060
Tate County28,66028,7590.33030
Tippah County21,94221,9950.24343
Tishomingo County19,57719,454-0.64847
Tunica County10,0029,944-0.67170
Union County28,46628,6060.53331
Walthall County14,52314,465-0.45958
Warren County46,75246,176-1.21717
Washington County46,20245,063-2.51818
Wayne County20,41620,298-0.64646
Webster County9,7579,7880.37272
Wilkinson County8,8588,792-0.77474
Winston County18,24218,165-0.45252
Yalobusha County12,47412,392-0.76363
Yazoo County28,47828,248-0.83234


1. Census Fact finder
2. Historical Population of States from 1790 to 1990

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