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South Dakota Population 2025

South Dakota people
South Dakota (U.S. abbreviation 'SD') is the state of midwestern region of United States, borders Wyoming to the west, Minnesota to the east, Montana to the northwest and North Dakota to the north. South Dakota population in 2025 is expected to be 923,711 inhabitants, ranks 46th in US and area is 77,116 square miles(199,729 sq km), Seventeenth position by area rank, increase of 23,147 people since last census of 2020. Sioux tribal is the dominant in these region before the europeans arrive, Sioux were proud people with a rich heritage, Sioux generally called themselves Lakota or Dakota meaning friends/allies. South Dakota is the home of the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota tribes, which make up the Sioux Nation. Sioux are mostly monogamy and deeply spiritual people. Religion is the key for their unity and followed by spiritual music and dance. As the European settlers push the native people into Sioux lands that resulted in major wars to kill Sioux tribals to end resistance.

According to U.S. 2020 Census Results, SD population in 2020 is 886,667 people living in the state. South Dakota population in 2023 is estimated 920,837, population in 2022 is expected to be 909,824 inhabitants, and in 2021 is expected to be 895,376 inhabitants.
YearPopulation% Change
2020886,667census updated
July 1, 2020
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018, last census by July 1, 2020

South Dakota Population by Race

According to 2017 demographics estimates population of South Dakota by race are: 84.68% are White Americans, followed by 8.6% with AIAN, 1.72% are Black Americans, 1.37% are Asian population and 3.5% are Hispanic/Latino population race.

White Population

White population in South Dakota are 724,430, percentage wise 84.68 percent are whites. Whites, also called White Americans or European American, having origins in the original peoples of Europe (numbers include hispanic whites).

Black Population

Black population in South Dakota are 14,698, percentage wise 1.72 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in South Dakota, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Caribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in South Dakota are 11,693, percentage wise 1.37 percent are asians, out of these 1,233 are Asian Indians, 1,866 are Chinese, 1,340 are Filipinos, 281 are Japanese, 1,084 are Korean, 872 are Vietnamese and 5,017 are other Asian nationals.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in South Dakota are 29,901. Percentage wise 3.50 percent are hispanics, out of these 20,228 are Mexican people, 1,892 are Puerto Ricans, 442 are Cubans, and 7,339 are other Hispanic or Latinos. Hispanics may be of any race, included in applicable race categories.

NHPI are 381 people in South Dakota, of these 133 are Guamanian/Chamorro, 120 are Native Hawaiian and 50 are Samoans.

Total Population855,444Percent
Black or African American14,6981.72%
American Indian and Alaska Native74,0628.658%
Cherokee tribal grouping2770.032%
Chippewa tribal grouping6040.071%
Navajo tribal grouping3030.035%
Sioux tribal grouping60,6917.095%
Asian Population11,6931.37%
Asian Indian1,2330.14%
Other Asian Population5,017
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander3810.04%
Native Hawaiian1200.014%
Guamanian or Chamorro1330.016%
Other Pacific Islander78
Some other race6,687
Hispanic or Latino29,9013.50%
Puerto Rican1,8920.22%
Other Hispanic or Latino7,339

Source: US Census 2017(Table B03002)

Top Cities of South Dakota

The top populated cities of South Dakota state are Sioux Falls with 181,883, Rapid with 75,443 people.

1Sioux Falls181,883

Population Pyramid

South Dakota population pyramid as per 2021 census estimates as below.

Source: 2021 US Census Estimates: Population In Five Year Age-Group

South Dakota Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, population of South Dakota by age is 855,444, out of these 430,587 are male, 424,857 are female, The sex ratio of South Dakota is 1,013. The South Dakota population by age are, under 15 years is 177,885, 15 years and over is 677,559, 30 years and over is 503,898, 65 years and over is 132,118 and 85 years and over is 19,822. 50.33 percent are male, 49.67 percent are female, 20.79 percent are under 15 years old, 79.21 percent are 15 years and over, 58.90 percent are 30 years and over, 15.44 percent are 65 years and over, 2.32 percent are 85 years and over.

Languages spoken in SD

English is the official language in the state of South Dakota. According to estimated 2017 census 744,104 speak only English, 16,416 speak Spanish language, 11959 speak European languages and 7524 speak Asian languages.
Speak only English744,10493.57
Spanish Language16,4162.06
European Language11,9591.50
Asian Languages7,5240.95
Other Languages15,2291.92
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1601)

South Dakota Education

South Dakota state education stats of High school and University as per table below.

Population 18 to 24 years83,87843,63940,239
Less than high school graduate11,7266,7544,972
High school graduate (includes equivalency)24,79614,13010,666
Some college or associates degree39,27519,52219,753
Bachelors degree or higher8,0813,2334,848
Population 25 years and over560,605278,564282,041
Less than 9th grade19,14210,3468,796
9th to 12th grade, no diploma28,89215,93712,955
High school graduate (includes equivalency)170,91290,46780,445
Some college, no degree122,13258,50363,629
Associates degree63,41329,84733,566
Bachelors degree109,46850,60258,866
Graduate or professional degree46,64622,86223,784
High school graduate or higher457,091224,187232,904
Bachelors degree or higher144,61368,03676,577
Black or African7,7944,9552,839
High school graduate or higher6,2084,1412,067
Bachelors degree or higher1,496989507
American Indian or Alaska Native alone36,31217,38218,930
High school graduate or higher28,42413,47614,948
Bachelors degree or higher3,6911,3882,303
High school graduate or higher4,9082,1152,793
Bachelors degree or higher2,7991,3421,457
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander21890128
High school graduate or higher19874124
Bachelors degree or higher35332
Hispanic or Latino Origin13,4587,3486,110
High school graduate or higher9,5225,0504,472
Bachelors degree or higher2,2581,1341,124
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1501)


Total civilian non-institutionalized population101,568
Black or African American1,047
American Indian and Alaska Native alone9,899
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander84
Some other race346
With a hearing difficulty34,776
With a vision difficulty17,514
With a cognitive difficulty35,138
With an ambulatory difficulty46,129
With a self-care difficulty15,686
With an independent living difficulty29,081

Counties of South Dakota

South Dakota is divided into 66 counties, Minnehaha County is the most populous county with 192,876, followed by Pennington County with 111,729, Lincoln County with 58,807, Brown County with 39,316, Brookings County with 35,232. Jones County is the least populous with 928 people in South Dakota state.

CountyPopulation 2017Population 2018% ChangeRank 2017Rank 2018
Aurora County2,7572,8011.65151
Beadle County18,60218,8831.51111
Bennett County3,4413,4680.84444
Bon Homme County6,9846,980-0.12525
Brookings County34,66835,2321.655
Brown County39,31339,316044
Brule County5,3215,229-1.73535
Buffalo County2,0152,03616060
Butte County10,10210,2221.21919
Campbell County1,3741,3770.26363
Charles Mix County9,4259,338-0.92020
Clark County3,6863,7391.44343
Clay County14,02114,0410.11515
Codington County28,08328,015-0.267
Corson County4,2074,165-14040
Custer County8,6668,7260.72121
Davison County19,84819,790-0.31010
Day County5,5155,505-0.23233
Deuel County4,2934,33713838
Dewey County5,8575,9040.83030
Douglas County2,9252,9350.35049
Edmunds County3,9223,875-1.24141
Fall River County6,6956,7580.92626
Faulk County2,3302,33005555
Grant County7,1877,147-0.62424
Gregory County4,2184,212-0.13939
Haakon County1,9281,918-0.56161
Hamlin County6,0266,1111.42929
Hand County3,2813,262-0.64747
Hanson County3,4113,376-14545
Harding County1,2411,2490.66565
Hughes County17,67017,650-0.11212
Hutchinson County7,3767,3800.12323
Hyde County1,3031,282-1.66464
Jackson County3,3013,3070.24646
Jerauld County2,0332,0430.55958
Jones County9269280.26666
Kingsbury County4,9374,919-0.43737
Lake County12,79213,0572.11616
Lawrence County25,60625,7410.588
Lincoln County56,66858,8073.833
Lyman County3,8833,821-1.64242
McCook County5,5115,5460.63332
McPherson County2,4082,40705454
Marshall County4,9985,1122.33636
Meade County27,98228,2941.176
Mellette County2,0672,042-1.25859
Miner County2,2142,21305656
Minnehaha County190,028192,8761.511
Moody County6,5406,5790.62727
Oglala Lakota County14,36414,309-0.41414
Pennington County110,221111,7291.422
Perkins County2,9532,922-14950
Potter County2,2122,207-0.25757
Roberts County10,30710,4471.41717
Sanborn County2,4542,429-15353
Spink County6,5176,495-0.32828
Stanley County2,9943,0220.94848
Sully County1,4091,392-1.26262
Todd County10,24510,2830.41818
Tripp County5,4505,4780.53434
Turner County8,3148,4241.32222
Union County15,24715,6192.41313
Walworth County5,5615,5870.53131
Yankton County22,69922,8690.799
Ziebach County2,7542,742-0.45252


1. Census Fact finder
2. Historical Population of States from 1790 to 1990

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