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Chula Vista Population 2025

Chula Vista is the city in California state of United State, located in the South Bay region of San Diego County, between San Ysidro Mountains and the foothills of the Jamul and San Diego Bay on its east and west. It is the seventh largest city in Southern California. Chula Vista population in 2025 is estimated to be 284,787, covers city area of 52.10 sq mi (134.93 sq km), second-largest city in the San Diego metropolitan area, the fifteenth largest city in the state of California, and the seventy-fifth largest city in the United States. The name Chula Vista means beautiful view in Spanish language. Chula Vista is a leader in conservation and renewable energy, and beautiful with its coastal landscape, canyons, rolling hills and mountains. Chula Vista encourages growth and development, The small business sector amounts for the majority of Chula Vista's economic activity. Tourism serves as the major economy for Chula Vista. The city has numerous dining, shopping, and cinema experiences with neighborhoods of start-up firms, training centers, regional parks and golf clubs and a historic downtown all contribute to Chula Vista's attraction.

Below is the Chula Vista population by year:

YearPopulationChange %
2025287,3220.09 *
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019, 2020 US Census & 2021 estimates updated

Chula vista is a part of SanDiego-ChulaVista-Carlsbad Metropolitan which is the seventeenth most populous metropolitan statistical area with the population of more than 5 million.

Chula Vista Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, Total Chula Vista population is 274,485, out of these 136,522 are male, 137,963 are female, The sex ratio of Chula Vista is 99. The median age of the Chula Vista population is 37.4, Chula Vista population by age are, under 18 years is 65,893, 16 years and over is 217,132, 18 years and over is 208,592, 21 years and over is 196,987, 65 years and over is 41,124. 49.7% are male, 50.3% are female, Population of Chula Vista by age percent wise is, 24.0% are under 18 years old, 79.1% are 16 years and over, 76.0% are 18 years and over, 71.8% are 21 years and over, 12.2% are 65 years and over. There are total 91,083 housing units, The voting population of Chula Vista are 171,534, out of these 86,532 are male voters, 85,002 are female voters, 50.4% are male, 49.6% are female. Chula Vista population in 2023 is estimated to be 283,438, population in 2022 is estimated to be 282,253, and in 2021 is estimated to be 277,212.

Age GroupPopulationPercent
0 -515,3495.6%
5 - 921,8097.9%
10 - 1417,4836.4%
15 - 1918,8856.9%
20 - 2417,4376.4%
25 - 3439,72914.5%
35 - 4440,46314.7%
45 - 5440,07014.6%
55 - 5915,5875.7%
60 - 6414,0675.1%
65 - 7419,7447.2%
75 - 849,3513.4%
85 and over4,5111.6%
Source: 2019 US population by age estimates

Chula Vista Population by Race

According to 2019 population of Chula Vista by race are:

White Population

White population in Chula Vista, California are 172,080, percentage wise 62.7 percent are whites.

Black Population

Black population in Chula Vista, California are 14,063, percentage wise 5.1 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Chula Vista, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Carribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in Chula Vista are 49,733, percentage wise 18.1 percent are asians, out of these 1,462 are Asian Indians, 2,879 are Chinese, 36,918 are Filipinos, 2,302 are Japanese, 2,934 are Korean, 804 are Vietnamese and 2,434 are other Asian nationals.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in Chula Vista, California are 159,178. Percentage wise 58.0 percent are hispanics, out of these 146,930 are Mexican people, 4,268 are Puerto Ricans, 940 are Cubans, and 7,040 are other Hispanic or Latinos.

Population by Race274,485Percent
Black or African American14,0635.1%
American Indian and Alaska Native8580.3%
Asian Population49,73318.1%
Asian Indian1,4620.5%
Other Asian Population2,434
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander1,1910.4%
Hispanic or Latino159,17858.0%
Puerto Rican4,2681.6%
Other Hispanic or Latino7,040
Source: US Census population estimates(2019)

Nativity by Place of Birth

According to 2019 estimates, Chula Vista native population is 191,390, out of these 144,351 born in the California state and 38,285 born in other state in the United States. Foreign born or Population born outside the US are 83,095, out of these 43,976 are Naturalised US citizen, 910 are in Europe, 19,083 in Asia, 229 in Africa, 23,400 in Latin America and 75 in Northern America. Non-US Citizens, Total Foreigners living in Chula Vista are 39,119, out of these 2,047 are from Europe, 7,898 are from Asia, 0 from Africa, 28,158 are from Latin America and 954 are from Northern America.

Nativity by Place of BirthPopulation
Born in state of residence144,351
Born in other state in the United States38,285
Born outside the United States8,754
Puerto Rico859
U.S. Island Areas980
Born abroad of American parent(s)6,915
Foreign born
Born outside of United States83,095
Naturalized U.S. citizen43,976
Latin America23,400
Northern America75
Not a U.S. citizen39,119
Latin America28,158
Northern America954
Source: US Census 2019 estimates

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