
North Macedonia Population 2025

North Macedonia is a country in Southeast Europe, borders Bulgaria to the east, Greece to the south, Albania to the west, Kosovo to the northwest and Serbia to the north. North Macedonia was Macedonia before February 2019, gained independence in 1991 from Yugoslavia. North Macedonia population in 2025 is estimated to be 2.05 million, covers country area of 25,713 sq km (9,928 sq mi), ranks one-hundred-forty-fifth country by area and the fifty-fifth most populous country in the world. North Macedonia capital and largest city is Skopje, other popular cities are Bitola, Kumanovo, Prilep, Tetovo and Veles. Country code is MKD, Life expectancy of North Macedonia is 72.84 years for male and 76.87 years for female.

Below table is the population of North Macedonia from 1960 to 2020:

North Macedonia Population Growth

North Macedonia population in 1960 is 1,488,670, by 1970 the population is increased by 232,135 totaling to 1,720,805, by 1980 the population is increased to 1,924,203, and by 1990 the total increase of 1,996,218 in 30 years from 1960 to 1990 resulting to 1,996,218. From 1990 to 2000, population increased to 2,026,350, and from 2000 to 2010 the population of North Macedonia increase by 28,654 with a change of 1.41 percent and increase of population from 2010 to 2020 by 17,527 with a change of 0.85 percent and make up to 2,072,531. North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia population in 2023 is estimated to be 2.04 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 2.06 million, Population of North Macedonia in 2021 is estimated as 2.07 million.

Source : worldbank

North Macedonia Regions

According to stat, The Skopje Region is the most densely populated, while the Vardar region is the least densely populated. The highest share of young population between 0 to 14 years is registered in the Skopje Region, whereas the lowest is registered in the East Region. The highest share of old population who is 65 years and over is recorded in the Pelagonia region and in the East Region, while the lowest is registered in the Polog Region.

RegionMacedonian namecityArea (Sq km)Population (2020)
EasternИсточен регионŠtip3,537173,042
North eastСевероисточен регионKumanovo2,310175,572
PelagoniaПелагониски регионBitola4,717225,752
PologПолошки регионTetovo2,416322,516
SkopjeСкопски регионSkopje1,812633,764
South EastЈугоисточен регионStrumica2,739172,331
South WestЈугозападен регионOhrid3,340218,648
VardarВардарски регионVeles4,042150,906

Below are the ethnic groups as per stat,2002. Macedonians share 64 percent, Albanians form a significant minority at around 25%, followed by Turks, Romani, Vlachs, Serbs, Bosniaks and a few other minorities.

Country/RegionPopulation (2002)MacedoniansAlbaniansTurksRomaniVlachsSerbsBosniaksOthers
North Macedonia2,022,5471,297,981509,08377,95953,8799,69535,93917,01820,993

History of North Macedonia

There is a conflict for the use of the country name "Macedonia" between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia which is now North Macedonia in the period between 1991 and 2019. This was the reason of instability of twenty-five years in the Western Balkans, with the mediation of United Nations the country name resolved through negotiations between Athens and Skopje.

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