
Serbia Population 2024


Serbia is a landlocked country in Southeast Europe, borders Romania to the northeast, Bulgaria to the southeast, North Macedonia to the south, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to the west, Montenegro to the southwest and Hungary to the north. Serbia population in 2023 is estimated to be 6.73 million, covers country area of 88,361 sq km (34,116 sq mi), ranks one-hundred-eleventh country by area and the one-hundred-eighth most populous country in the world. Serbia capital and largest city is Belgrade and other popular cities are Novi Sad, Niš, Kragujevac, Subotica, Zrenjanin, Pančevo, Čačak, Novi Pazar and Kraljevo. Country code is SRB, Life expectancy of Serbia is 73.46 years for male and 78.28 years for female.

Below table is the population of Serbia from 1960 to 2020:

Serbia Population Growth

Serbia population in 1960 is 6,608,000, by 1970 the population is increased by 364,000 totaling to 6,972,000, by 1980 the population is increased to 7,362,000, and by 1990 the total increase of 7,586,000 in 30 years from 1960 to 1990 resulting to 7,586,000. From 1990 to 2000, population increased by -69,654 to 7,516,346, and from 2000 to 2010 the population of Serbia decrease by -224,910 with a change of -2.99 percent and further decline of population from 2010 to 2020 by -383,212 with a change of -5.26 percent and make up to 6,908,224. Serbia population in 2023 is estimated to be 6.78 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 6.83 million, and Population of Serbia in 2021 is estimated as 6.87 million.

Source : worldbank

Serbia population district wise

Serbia is divided into 29 districts (Okrug), According to stat, below is the Serbia population by districts as per 2011 census.

DistrictOkrugArea (sq km)Population (2011)
KolubaraKolubarski okrug2,474174,228
MačvaMačvanski okrug3,268297,778
MoravicaMoravički okrug3,016212,149
PomoravljePomoravski okrug2,614212,839
RasinaRasinski okrug2,667240,463
RaškaRaški okrug3,918300,102
ŠumadijaŠumadijski okrug2,387290,900
ZlatiborZlatiborski okrug6,140284,729
BorBorski okrug3,507123,848
BraničevoBraničevski okrug3,865180,480
JablanicaJablanički okrug2,769215,463
NišavaNišavski okrug2,729373,404
PčinjaPčinjski okrug3,520158,717
PirotPirotski okrug2,76192,277
PodunavljePodunavski okrug1,248198,184
ToplicaToplički okrug2,23190,600
ZaječarZaječarski okrug3,623118,295
Central BanatSrednjebanatski okrug3,256186,851
North BačkaSevernobački okrug1,784185,552
North BanatSevernobanatski okrug2,329146,690
South BačkaJužnobački okrug4,016615,371
South BanatJužnobanatski okrug4,245291,327
SremSremski okrug3,486311,053
West BačkaZapadnobački okrug2,420187,581
KosovoKosovski okrug3,310672,292
Kosovo-PomoravljeKosovsko-Pomoravski okrug1,389217,726
Kosovska MitrovicaKosovskomitrovički okrug2,053275,904
PećPećki okrug2,459414,187
PrizrenPrizrenski okrug2,196376,085



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