Washington, D.C. Population 2025

Washington D.C population by race are 280,469 are White Americans, followed by 321,317 are Black or African American, 1,993 are American Indian and Alaska Native, out of these 320 are Cherokee tribes, 28 are Chippewa tribes, 88 are Navajo tribes, 59 are Sioux tribal grouping.
Total Asian population are 26,718, out of these 6,966 are Asian Indian, 6,896 are Chinese, 3,321 are Filipino, 1,377 are Japanese, 2,903 are Korean, 2,014 are Vietnamese, 3,241 are other Asians.
Total of 340 people are Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, out of these 109 are Native Hawaiian, 96 are Guamanian or Chamorro, 62 are Samoan, 73 are Other Pacific Islanders. Total of 74,776 people are Hispanic/Latino in DC, out of these 14,156 are Mexican, 5,331 are Puerto Rican, 3,225 are Cubans.
US House passes bill granting Washington, DC statehood, The many obstacles in making Washington, DC the 51st US state.
Why is Washington DC not a state before?
After the US declared independence from British rule in 1776, the country's founding leaders desired that the new national capital should be founded on a federal district, and not be a part of any state. The district which was thus created was named after the explorer Columbus, and the city after George Washington, the first US president. The second highest cigarette tax in the US is levied by the Washington at $4.50 per pack.
Year | Population | % Change |
2010 | 605,085 | |
2011 | 619,602 | 2.40 |
2012 | 634,725 | 2.44 |
2013 | 650,431 | 2.47 |
2014 | 662,513 | 1.86 |
2015 | 675,254 | 1.92 |
2016 | 686,575 | 1.68 |
2017 | 695,691 | 1.33 |
2018 | 702,455 | 0.97 |
2019 | 705,757 | 0.47 |
2020 | 689,545 | census updated July 1, 2020 |
2021* | 670,050 | -2.83 |
2022* | 644,655 | -3.79 |
2023* | 656,130 | 1.78 |
Washington, D.C. Population by Race
According to 2017 demographics estimates population of Washington, D.C. by race are:
White Population
White population in Washington, D.C. are 273,471, percentage wise 40.67 percent are whites. Whites, also called White Americans or European American, having origins in the original peoples of Europe (numbers include hispanic whites).
Black Population
Black population in Washington, D.C. are 321,062, percentage wise 47.75 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Washington, D.C., They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Caribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.
Asian Population
Asian population in Washington, D.C. are 25,558, percentage wise 3.80 percent are asians, out of these 6,190 are Asian Indians, 6,945 are Chinese, 3,027 are Filipinos, 1,285 are Japanese, 2,794 are Korean, 2,000 are Vietnamese and 3,317 are other Asian nationals.
Hispanic Population
Hispanic population in Washington, D.C. are 71,829. Percentage wise 10.68 percent are hispanics, out of these 13,676 are Mexican people, 4,861 are Puerto Ricans, 2,982 are Cubans, and 50,310 are other Hispanic or Latinos. Hispanics may be of any race, included in applicable race categories.
Total Population | 672,391 | Percent |
White | 273,471 | 40.67% |
Black or African American | 321,062 | 47.75% |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 1,757 | 0.261% |
Cherokee tribal grouping | 291 | 0.043% |
Chippewa tribal grouping | 5 | 0.001% |
Navajo tribal grouping | 92 | 0.014% |
Sioux tribal grouping | 84 | 0.012% |
Asian Population | 25,558 | 3.80% |
Asian Indian | 6,190 | 0.92% |
Chinese | 6,945 | 1.03% |
Filipino | 3,027 | 0.45% |
Japanese | 1,285 | 0.19% |
Korean | 2,794 | 0.42% |
Vietnamese | 2,000 | 0.30% |
Other Asian Population | 3,317 | |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 289 | 0.04% |
Native Hawaiian | 74 | 0.011% |
Guamanian or Chamorro | 77 | 0.011% |
Samoan | 78 | 0.012% |
Other Pacific Islander | 60 | |
Some other race | 30,961 | |
Hispanic or Latino | 71,829 | 10.68% |
Mexican | 13,676 | 2.03% |
Puerto Rican | 4,861 | 0.72% |
Cuban | 2,982 | 0.44% |
Other Hispanic or Latino | 50,310 |
Population Pyramid
Washington, D.C. Population by Age
According to 2019 US population estimates, population of Washington, D.C. by age is 672,391, out of these 319,046 are male, 353,345 are female, The sex ratio of Washington, D.C. is 903. The Washington, D.C. population by age are, under 15 years is 102,507, 15 years and over is 569,884, 30 years and over is 396,218, 65 years and over is 79,769 and 85 years and over is 11,129. 47.45 percent are male, 52.55 percent are female, 15.25 percent are under 15 years old, 84.75 percent are 15 years and over, 58.93 percent are 30 years and over, 11.86 percent are 65 years and over, 1.66 percent are 85 years and over.
Languages spoken in DC
Languages | Population | Percentage |
Speak only English | 518,706 | 82.49 |
Spanish Language | 56,512 | 8.99 |
European Language | 27,900 | 4.44 |
Asian Languages | 12,271 | 1.95 |
Other Languages | 13,395 | 2.13 |
Washington, D.C. Education
Total | Male | Female | ||
Population 18 to 24 years | 76,490 | 35,267 | 41,223 | |
Less than high school graduate | 7,538 | 4,848 | 2,690 | |
High school graduate (includes equivalency) | 19,032 | 9,995 | 9,037 | |
Some college or associates degree | 33,257 | 14,194 | 19,063 | |
Bachelors degree or higher | 16,663 | 6,230 | 10,433 | |
Population 25 years and over | 477,843 | 224,294 | 253,549 | |
Less than 9th grade | 18,889 | 9,386 | 9,503 | |
9th to 12th grade, no diploma | 27,608 | 13,218 | 14,390 | |
High school graduate (includes equivalency) | 84,119 | 38,774 | 45,345 | |
Some college, no degree | 62,203 | 27,404 | 34,799 | |
Associates degree | 14,601 | 6,050 | 8,551 | |
Bachelors degree | 113,830 | 55,412 | 58,418 | |
Graduate or professional degree | 156,593 | 74,050 | 82,543 |
White | 189,407 | 95,952 | 93,455 | |
High school graduate or higher | 188,202 | 95,352 | 92,850 | |
Bachelors degree or higher | 172,578 | 86,904 | 85,674 | |
Black or African | 216,598 | 94,334 | 122,264 | |
High school graduate or higher | 185,317 | 79,705 | 105,612 | |
Bachelors degree or higher | 55,272 | 23,504 | 31,768 | |
American Indian or Alaska Native alone | 1,375 | 594 | 781 | |
High school graduate or higher | 1,222 | 531 | 691 | |
Bachelors degree or higher | 712 | 315 | 397 | |
Asian | 19,603 | 7,949 | 11,654 | |
High school graduate or higher | 18,386 | 7,512 | 10,874 | |
Bachelors degree or higher | 15,625 | 6,282 | 9,343 | |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 243 | 149 | 94 | |
High school graduate or higher | 243 | 149 | 94 | |
Bachelors degree or higher | 152 | 71 | 81 | |
Hispanic or Latino Origin | 45,736 | 23,443 | 22,293 | |
High school graduate or higher | 32,617 | 16,330 | 16,287 | |
Bachelors degree or higher | 21,096 | 10,490 | 10,606 |
Total civilian non-institutionalized population | 77,368 |
Male | 33,419 |
Female | 43,949 |
- | |
White | 15,278 |
Black or African American | 56,832 |
American Indian and Alaska Native alone | 330 |
Asian | 1,540 |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 40 |
Some other race | 1,818 |
With a hearing difficulty | 14,083 |
With a vision difficulty | 18,529 |
With a cognitive difficulty | 29,694 |
With an ambulatory difficulty | 41,713 |
With a self-care difficulty | 14,581 |
With an independent living difficulty | 26,277 |
Income Distribution
According to 2018 U.S Census estimates, Washington D.C. demographics, Total Veterans are 26,936 persons, Median household income, for the period of 2014-2018 is $82,604, Per capita income in past 12 months in 2018 is $53,321 and 16.8% in poverty.
Washington, D.C. History
Washington DC population language speak at home are, 545,912 speak only English, 55,077 speak Spanish, 9,079 French (incl. Cajun), 776 Haitian, 1,544 Italian, 1,381 Portuguese, 2,288 German, 410 Yiddish, Pennsylvania Dutch or other West Germanic languages, 622 Greek, 1,609 Russian, 509 Polish, 736 Serbo-Croatian, 1,159 Ukrainian or other Slavic languages, 147 Armenian, 2,106 Persian (incl. Farsi, Dari).
Asian Indian language speakers at home include 340 speak Gujarati, 531 Hindi, 424 Urdu, 231 Bengali, 301 Nepali, Marathi, or other Indic languages, 1,841 Other Indo-European languages, 905 Tamil, 361 Malayalam, Kannada, or other Dravidian languages, 6,846 Chinese (incl. Mandarin, Cantonese), 1,254 Japanese, 1,713 Korean, 920 Vietnamese, 99 Khmer, 1,590 Tagalog (incl. Filipino), 140 Thai, Lao, or other Tai-Kadai languages, 1,124 speak other languages of Asia.
Population of Austronesian/Middle east and African speakers include, 427 Ilocano, Samoan, Hawaiian, or other Austronesian languages, 2,942 Arabic, 755 Hebrew, 7,028 Amharic, Somali, or other Afro-Asiatic languages, 1,837 Yoruba, Twi, Igbo, or other languages of Western Africa, 605 Swahili or other languages of Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa.
Total of 511,190 Citizens are 18 and over, out these 237,685 are Male Voters and 273,505 are Female Voters, Percentage wise 46.5% are Male and 53.5% are Female Voting age population.
1. Census Fact finder
2. Historical Population of States from 1790 to 1990
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