Himachal Pradesh Population 2025
Himachal Pradesh is the northern state of India located in the himalayan region, borders union territory of Jammu and Kashmir to the north, Uttarakhand to the south east, Punjab in the west, Haryana to the south west. Himachal Pradesh population in 2025 is projected to be 7.49 million (74.9 Lakhs), By Aug 2023, Himachal Pradesh population is projected to be 74.68 Lakhs as per Unique Identification Aadhar India, updated 31, May 2023. As per NFHS 2019-2021 report, Total Fertility Rate of Himachal Pradesh State is 1.7 children per women compared to 1.9 in 2016. Tourism is one of the major economy sector of Himachal Pradesh, coupled with the sky-scraping Himalayan Mountains, beauty has naturally flourished here, attracting mountain lovers from all over the world.
Image Source:People pull the chariots of Lord Raghunath Ji during Kullu Dussehra, in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
The first census was taken in the year of 1901 by the British India with registred population of 1.9 million. By 1951 the population is 2.38 million, with in a decade by 1961 the population growth percentage is 17.87, from 1961-1971 and 1971-1981, the growth percentage is 23%, there is a decrease in growth percentage to 20% from 1981-1991. The total population growth in this decade from 2001-2011 was 12.94 percent while in previous decade it was 17.54 percent. The population of Himachal Pradesh forms 0.57 percent of India in 2011. According to UID, Himachal Pradesh population in 2020 is 7.4 Million.
Census year | Persons | Absolute | Percentage | Males | Females |
1901 | 1,920,294 | - | - | 1,019,069 | 901,225 |
1911 | 1,896,944 | -23,350 | -1.22 | 1,004,183 | 892,761 |
1921 | 1,928,206 | 31,262 | 1.65 | 1,020,201 | 908,005 |
1931 | 2,029,113 | 100,907 | 5.23 | 1,069,540 | 959,573 |
1941 | 2,263,245 | 234,132 | 11.54 | 1,197,620 | 1,065,625 |
1951 | 2,385,981 | 122,736 | 5.42 | 1,247,826 | 1,138,155 |
1961 | 2,812,463 | 426,482 | 17.87 | 1,451,334 | 1,361,129 |
1971 | 3,460,434 | 647,971 | 23.04 | 1,766,957 | 1,693,477 |
1981 | 4,280,818 | 820,384 | 23.71 | 2,169,931 | 2,110,887 |
1991 | 5,170,877 | 890,059 | 20.79 | 2,617,467 | 2,553,410 |
2001 | 6,077,900 | 907,023 | 17.54 | 3,087,940 | 2,989,960 |
2011 | 6,864,602 | 786,702 | 12.94 | 3,481,873 | 3,382,729 |
Population Pyramid
Himachal Pradesh Population by Religion
Religion wise Himachal Pradesh population, Hinudism is the major religion with 95% are Hindu, followed by 2% by Muslim population. All other regligions like Christianity, Buddhist, Sikh and Jain are below 1%.
Religion | Persons | Percentage | Males | Females |
Hindu | 6,532,765 | 95.17 | 3,306,995 | 3,225,770 |
Muslim | 149,881 | 2.18 | 80,763 | 69,118 |
Christian | 12,646 | 0.18 | 6,844 | 5,802 |
Sikh | 79,896 | 1.16 | 41,494 | 38,402 |
Buddhist | 78,659 | 1.15 | 40,233 | 38,426 |
Jain | 1,805 | 0.03 | 945 | 860 |
Others | 856 | 0.01 | 461 | 395 |
Not Stated | 8,094 | 0.12 | 4,138 | 3,956 |
Ethnic groups of Himachal Pradesh
Tribes | Population as per Census 2011 |
All Scheduled Tribes | 392,126 |
Bhot, Bodh | 27,191 |
Gaddi | 178,130 |
Gujjar | 92,547 |
Jad, Lamba, Khampa | 1,974 |
Kanaura, Kinnara | 50,994 |
Lahaula | 2,886 |
Pangwala | 17,562 |
Swangla | 9,630 |
Beta, Beda | 226 |
Domba, Gara, Zoba | 231 |
Generic Tribes etc. | 10,755 |
Languages spoken in Himachal Pradesh
Hindi is the most widely spoken language in Himachal Pradesh with 85% of population, followed by Punjabi with 9%, Nepali and Kinnauri are 1.3% and 1.2%, other popular languages are Kashmiri with 0.83%, Dogri with 0.34%, and Tibetan with 0.31%.
Languages | Persons | Percentage | Rural | Urban |
Hindi | 5,895,529 | 85.8830 | 5,326,104 | 569,425 |
Punjabi | 615,022 | 8.9593 | 545,598 | 69,424 |
Nepali | 89,508 | 1.3039 | 76,371 | 13,137 |
Kinnauri | 82,712 | 1.2049 | 79,773 | 2,939 |
Kashmiri | 57,050 | 0.8311 | 54,378 | 2,672 |
Dogri | 23,609 | 0.3439 | 21,853 | 1,756 |
Tibetan | 21,322 | 0.3106 | 9,772 | 11,550 |
Lahauli | 11,073 | 0.1613 | 7,891 | 3,182 |
Gujarati | 10,012 | 0.1458 | 9,208 | 804 |
Bengali | 6,214 | 0.0905 | 4,083 | 2,131 |
Urdu | 5,320 | 0.0775 | 3,745 | 1,575 |
Maithili | 4,723 | 0.0688 | 3,113 | 1,610 |
Khandeshi | 3,498 | 0.0510 | 3,484 | 14 |
Marathi | 3,438 | 0.0501 | 2,210 | 1,228 |
Odia | 3,219 | 0.0469 | 1,693 | 1,526 |
Kurukh/Oraon | 2,277 | 0.0332 | 1,828 | 449 |
Bhotia | 2,012 | 0.0293 | 1,718 | 294 |
Type of disability | Total Persons | Cultivators | Agriculture labor | HHI | Other workers |
Total disabled population | 68,917 | 41,460 | 3,955 | 1,281 | 22,221 |
In Seeing | 12,060 | 7,906 | 581 | 239 | 3,334 |
In Hearing | 13,649 | 8,388 | 792 | 269 | 4,200 |
In Speech | 3,976 | 2,464 | 251 | 64 | 1,197 |
In Movement | 14,535 | 7,825 | 678 | 291 | 5,741 |
Mental Retardation | 2,833 | 1,941 | 216 | 46 | 630 |
Mental Illness | 1,594 | 1,088 | 100 | 21 | 385 |
Any Other | 16,074 | 8,992 | 1,057 | 288 | 5,737 |
Multiple disability | 4,196 | 2,856 | 280 | 63 | 997 |
Himachal Pradesh Population projection
Himachal Pradesh population in 2023 is projected to be 7.47 million, population in 2022 is projected to be 7.45 Million (74.5 Lakhs), population in 2021 is projected to be 7.51 Million (75.1 Lakhs).
Income Distribution
Himachal Pradesh state economy depends on agriculture, horticulture and tourism. About 90% of Himachal pradesh population depends on agriculture, Apple is the principal crop of almost 7 districts like Shimla, Kulu, Chamba, Mandi, Kinnaur, Sirmaur and Lahaul-Spiti. These districts roughly produce 7 to 8 lakh tonnes(800,000 tonnes) of apples a year. Himachal Pradesh has been the best agro climatic conditions due to this, a large number of agriculture and horticulture commodities like fruits, vegetables, flowers, medicinal plants and tea are grown here.
District wise population in Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh is divided into 12 districts, Lahaul and Spiti is the largest district with an area of 13,835 sq km and Hamirpur is the smallest district with 1,118 sq km. District population wise Kangra is the largest district with the population of 1,691,284 and smallest being Lahul & Spiti with 35,352. Below is the Himachal Pradesh district wise population as per Census 2011 and 2020 projection.
District | Population(2020 est.) | Population(2011) | Percentage |
Chamba | 591,751 | 519,080 | 7.56 |
Kangra | 1,721,486 | 1,510,075 | 22.00 |
Lahul & Spiti | 35,983 | 31,564 | 0.46 |
Kullu | 499,209 | 437,903 | 6.38 |
Mandi | 1,139,746 | 999,777 | 14.56 |
Hamirpur | 518,436 | 454,768 | 6.62 |
Una | 594,137 | 521,173 | 7.59 |
Bilaspur | 435,430 | 381,956 | 5.56 |
Solan | 661,565 | 580,320 | 8.45 |
Sirmaur | 604,035 | 529,855 | 7.72 |
Shimla | 927,971 | 814,010 | 11.86 |
Kinnaur | 95,898 | 84,121 | 1.23 |